WP 10 | What is the Goal Behind the Goal?
Welcome to The Wise Practice Podcast, where we explore strategies for building a successful and fulfilling private practice. In today's episode, we will be discussing the importance of setting goals that align with our values and desired outcomes. We will cover the steps to take in order to set meaningful and achievable goals, and discuss how to stay motivated and on track to achieve them. Whether you are just starting out in your private practice journey or you are looking to take your business to the next level, this episode will provide valuable insights and tools to help you set and achieve your goals.
Why are you setting this goal?
Before we dive into the process of setting goals, it's important to take a step back and ask ourselves why we are setting a particular goal. This can help us identify the values and motivations behind our goals and ensure that we are setting goals for the right reasons. It's easy to fall into the trap of setting goals because we think we should or because we want to impress others, but these goals may not be meaningful or fulfilling to us. By taking the time to ask ourselves why we are setting a goal, we can ensure that our goals align with our values and desired outcomes.
Consequences and feasibility
Once we have identified the reasons behind our goals, it's important to consider the potential consequences of achieving these goals. This includes both positive and negative consequences, as well as the feasibility of achieving the goals. It's important to be aware of the potential impact of our goals on our time, energy, stress levels, and relationships. We also need to consider whether the goals are realistic and achievable given our current resources and circumstances. By taking these factors into account, we can set goals that are meaningful and achievable, and that will bring us closer to our desired outcomes.
Specific and measurable goals
One key aspect of goal setting is to make sure that our goals are specific and measurable. This can help us track our progress and make adjustments as needed. A specific goal is one that is clear and well-defined, with specific details and criteria for success. A measurable goal is one that allows us to track our progress and see how far we have come. By setting specific and measurable goals, we can ensure that we are making progress towards our desired outcomes and can make adjustments as needed.
Set Goals that Align with your Values
In summary, setting goals that align with our values and desired outcomes is an important step in building a successful and fulfilling private practice. By taking the time to ask ourselves why we are setting a goal, considering the potential consequences and feasibility of our goals, and setting specific and measurable goals, we can create a roadmap to achieve the things that are most important to us. We hope that today's episode has provided valuable insights and tools to help you set and achieve your goals in the coming year. Thank you for joining us on The Wise Practice Podcast, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you.
Email your questions to Whitney
Whitney Owens: Hello friends and welcome back to The Wise Practice Podcast and happy New year 2023 has arrived and it is gonna be a good year. Before we get going on goals and goal setting in your practice, I wanted to say thank you so much for all your support in the past year. It has taken me to good places and it means a lot to me.
You have traveled through some difficult times with me and also done some really good work and so I really appreciate you as we get going here. I wanted to read a few of the reviews I've gotten for the podcast and also say, First of all, thank you for all you that did write a review, and if you haven't already, please write a review.
It's so easy. You just click on the podcast, scroll down, it says Write a review, click the little purple link at least on my iPhone, and you can give stars however many you like. Hopefully five, and write a quick review for me. I go through and read all these reviews and they mean so much to. So this review is from Lisa Mustard.
She said, I've learned so much from Whitney. She provides such great guidance and support. A great podcast. Uh, thank you Lisa. Lisa hosts the, um, Lisa Mustard. The therapy show has a great podcast for practice owners. She's actually gonna be on one of my shows coming up really soon, um, because she offers CEUs for podcasting.
You're gonna be able to listen to her soon. Another really fantastic review that I got from my good friend, William Hemphill. He says, Whitney gives valuable information about what it means to be a Christian counselor and addresses some of the worries that therapists have. She also gives important information about caring for ourselves as clinicians and business owners.
I highly recommend this podcast and her community. Thanks, William. So let's get going here on. What is the goal behind the goal? So as I was thinking through, okay, 2023, what do I wanna say? First podcast of the year, I felt like I should do goal setting, right? Because that's what people talk about. And I am gonna do some goal setting, but I also wanna say that goal setting might be a little different when you are a faith-based practice owner.
Our goals are gonna reflect our values, the things that we want in our life and in our practice. And those might look different than they do to other people, potentially not always. And so I wanna go a little deeper, not just about setting a goal, but more about the mind, the heart, the values behind our.
But I also wanna say to you, do what you feel is right for you. So I think about 2022. And at the time I was having a tough year, right? And we all, a lot of us were right as we were going into 2022 and 2020 and 2021. Woohoo. Just seems like a bad. So as I was entering 2022, I just was so tired and so unmotivated.
Had a lot of apathy. I had felt a good bit of burnout at the end of 2021. I just didn't wanna set goals. I didn't feel motivated, I didn't feel inspired. I honestly thought if I just get through another year, I'm doing pretty. And so why am I gonna push myself to settle these goals, which this is very different than my typical personality cause I'm very much a go-getter.
For those of you that know me, I tend to push myself too hard. So when 2022 was coming around, I didn't really set goals honestly. I just was like, okay, I'm gonna get through the year. I'm gonna be close to God. I'm gonna do the work I feel like he wants me to do. I'm gonna love my family and I'm gonna get through the year.
And so, praise God, even though I'm not done with the year yet, but I'm almost there and I am happy for how it went. So yes, goals are good to set. I think it helps you meet the places you wanna be, but if your goals aren't set in such a, That adheres to your values and what you really want in your life, or if you're setting goals, just because everyone's telling you to set a goal, it's not gonna work.
And if you are hearing this and you're thinking, I don't wanna set any goals, it's okay. I mean, I would encourage you to think about why you don't wanna set goals, but you don't have to do what everyone else is doing. You can do what you feel like is right for you and in your walk with the Lord. What was really interesting in all this is I didn't set any goals.
And another, um, podcaster that I was listening to, he was laughing and he said, goals, what are we talking about? Who wants to set goals this year? This just does not feel like a year for goals, and I felt so affirmed in the fact that I did not set goals. Now, as we move into 2023, I am setting goals and I need that in.
Later this month, I'm recording here mid-December, but later this month I have already scheduled out time to have hours set aside to set goals, so I'll probably go to a local coffee shop or a retreat center nearby. And spend some time doing that. So I hope that this podcast will help you as you look at 2023 and what that looks like for you as you were setting your goals.
So I'm not gonna go through a lot of details today on how to set goals. I wanna explore more of the why we set our goals. What is the goal behind the goal, right? What are the reasons that we're setting the goals we're setting? Because I think these deeper questions are gonna help you set goals that are best for you, for your family, for your practice, for your life, and for your spiritual life.
So as we're going into this, here is the first thing that I want you to ask yourself. Why are you setting the goal that you're. So as you start to think through these goals, maybe you like to write 'em down, talk it out with someone, whatever it is, I want you to look at each one and say to yourself, why am I setting this goal now?
This needs to be a thought out process, not a quick answer. It's easy for us to go, oh, because you, yada, yada, yada. And really, We're not hitting the deeper level of what it is that we really want, right? Our values should be dictating our goals and not the other way around. I also find, at least for me, when I hear what everyone else is doing, it makes me wanna do those things.
I think the classic example in private practice, or at least for a group practice, is to have a million dollar practice. I hear people talk about the six figure practice. Or seven figure practice, I guess I should say. Um, and the revenue and all this stuff. So then I, especially as a consultant, it's so easy for me to go, okay, well I have to have these things.
I have to have this practice so that I can have clout as a consultant, or I need to have a million dollar practice so that I can tell people I have a million dollar practice. Ooh, they will be very impressed by me, or I will gain much, much fame or. I actually might get more Instagram followers if I have a million dollar practice, and I let people know about it, right?
So I easily fall into this trap of having goals for the wrong reason. So as you are setting your goals, stop and think to yourself, why am I setting this goal? What do I hope to accomplish through this goal? So another might be pleasure. Right. So I'm setting this goal because I wanna have enough money that I can do all the things I wanna do.
I wanna have pleasure. And pleasure is not a bad thing. In fact, we should want to enjoy life and have fun. But pleasure might not always be the number one reason to set a goal, right? So as we're going through this, so I'm gonna share my, my personal goals with you. I don't have 'em all written out yet, but I have some of 'em figured out.
So one of my goals for 2023, I'm gonna speak it out here, is to go to Hawaii. The reason I want to go to Hawaii is because my father has visited 49 states. He has not been to Hawaii, and his dream has always been to visit every. My dad's actually a pilot, so that explains why he is traveled a lot and he's getting older and I want to be able to take him there and have a special family memory.
So is it about pleasure? Hmm? Maybe a little. Sounds pretty nice. Hawaii. Um, but. I want to have that time with my dad, and that is honored and valued and special. So my hope is that this year I'm gonna create, um, that trip. I shouldn't say my hope. My plan that I will put into action is, To do this, but it's really good to stop and ask yourself, why am I doing it?
Like, is it cuz I wanna show everyone that I went to Hawaii? Is it cuz I want people to think, oh, I can have a practice and go to Hawaii, I should work with Whitney. Those things are great and if it happens, sure. The real reason I want to go though is cuz I wanna be with my family. So I want you to be asking yourself what is, um, the reason that you're setting this goal, what is your ultimate outcome with.
All right. The next question is what are the consequences of the goals that you have set? So what are the positive consequences and what are the negative consequences? You probably know what the positive consequences are, so that's the good things. Let's focus a little bit on what are the negative consequences of the goals that we make.
So there are a lot of different things that we could think about with this. Negative consequences to some goals would be your time, your energy, your stress level, your relationships would suffer. So for example, Hawaii, that's a big goal, right? I am gonna have to consider. What are the consequences of this goal?
So some of them could be not going on other trips during the year and spending time with my family. It could be working a little harder to have a little more profit to put towards that trip. So it's considering what are those negative things that I have to do to be able to gain the goal that I feel called to, or that I really want, right?
And you wanna make sure that when you're considering your consequences, that you're not giving up your values. For the very goal that you're looking for. So if you're someone who says, you know, I don't value money, let's say, then why would money be a big motivator in your goal? Right? So thinking about those values and how are they aligning with the very things that you're working for in your life.
So I might have a goal of starting a group practice that is a great. A group practice could allow you to serve more people in your community. It allows you to help other therapists find jobs. It helps you help other therapists get trained. You're doing it in a way that's faith-based, which is awesome, and it allows you to grow your income.
So that you can serve your family, so you can give to others. There's so many great reasons to start a group practice, and y'all know me, I am. I am standing up preaching about group practice cuz I love my group practice. But even as I was thinking about this podcast episode today, I was thinking, gosh, what all did I have to give up to start a group?
especially in the beginning, a lot of time growing a group practice and starting it out is so time consuming because you have to meet with an attorney, you have to meet with an accountant, you have to create paperwork, you have to go through the interview process and the list goes on of all the things you have to do to start a group practice.
So I had to give up. Tom. I also, um, had to give up my energy. It was pretty exhausting. I could have put that energy into other. And money. I hired a consultant when I was starting a group practice and had a consultant for two years. As I grew that group practice, now would I go back and change it?
Absolutely not. All those pieces that I just told you were important. They grew me as a person and now I have this fantastic group practice that I wouldn't give up for anything in the world. I, I think I have the best team and I just love them, and you can have that. So yes, I had to give up some things, but my ultimate goal of serving the community really freeing up more time for me in the long run to be able to do things with my family, to go on trips with my family, to have increased income and to be able to serve my employees cuz I love helping them has been worth it to me.
So I had to give things up for the ultimate. That I have of honestly furthering God's good work in the world. Right. So that second question is what are the consequences of your goal? And then my last question here is, how does your goal meet your overall mission? I think having an overall mission is important for your practice, maybe for your personal life.
I also like to. Kind of a mantra or mission, I guess you could say, like a mission statement for my year. Because I think that when we are making hard decisions with our time, our money, our energy, it really helps to consider what is it that I decided that I wanted. So when you're planning for 2023, I encourage you to have some quiet.
To think about the past year, think about what you want in the new year, and maybe come up with a Bible verse or a phrase or a word or a couple of words that really capture what you want 2023 to be about. Now, as you know, there will be moments of pivoting, changing things. You don't have to be stuck to these words, but I do think you can use them as a framework as you move forward.
So when I think about 2023, I want it to be a year with the word build. This past year of 20 22, 20 22 has been so much transition for me and I had to really hustle the last six months to put a lot of things in place, and it actually brings me more empathy for those of you who either are starting a new business or starting a private.
It's a lot of work on the front end, and so I want 2023 to be a year of building and stabilizing. Of course, when I think of building, I think of putting the pieces together, but also making them fit right, making them sturdy, making them work. So when I think of 2022, I set the foundation, I put things in place, and now I wanna make those work.
So this is not only the word for my consulting business, but also the word for my practice here in the end of December. My real prayer is that I hire at least one or two more therapists for the practice we are in need. There is a need in this community. So then hopefully moving into the new year, I'll be sitting somewhere between 12 and 14 clinicians.
And that is a really good space for me to implement lots of systems and procedures and policies. And that's something I really worked on at the end of 2022 as well. But I really wanna get things stable, flowing instead of focusing on growth, growth, growth. I wanna get things rolling better. So that is my goal for my practice, and it's the same goal that I have for my consulting business.
It was a year of putting foundations down. Getting my L l C, getting the business rolling, starting a membership community, starting a podcast, getting a website, doing consulting, all these things. And so this year is about making those things work well, you know, spending time implementing them well and building them.
So I'm hoping this year to spend more time with you and building more relationships so that we can grow. So some examples of things that I'm gonna be doing in 2023, and I encourage you to also think about the things you wanna do that go with your mission would be going to more events. Like in-person events, um, and just supporting people more because it's through those relationships that things grow.
So I hope to be on more podcasts. I hope to have more people on my podcast so that we can grow our audiences together. And it's not about more downloads, more listens, it's about helping more faith-based practice owners grow their private practice. I plan to speak at more events. I'm actually speaking at Meet You in Kentucky, which I'm excited about.
That will be in May. And that's through, um, Casey Compton's Group. So if that's something that you're interested in, um, definitely check out her website or send me an email and let me know and I'm happy to get you connected. So that's a conference for group practice owners. I'm also gonna be leading the retreat and rethink retreat, so I'm excited about that and connecting with other faith-based practice owners.
That's gonna be in April of this year. Um, and then we have London in September with Cav Academy with Ernesto, Sega Mun. And that will be, uh, labor Day weekend. And so I'll be able to connect with lots of, lots of people while doing that and being able to just build on what I've already done. And then of course, the highlight will be the Wise Practice Summit, which is gonna be in October of this year.
And so, you know, 2022 was getting the information out about the summit. 2023 is gonna be building it. I'm excited to spend some time and energy really building a great summit for you so that you can come and learn from experts in the field on how to grow your faith-based practice. To get that information, you can just head to my website, whitney owens.com, and learn about the retreat and the summit.
But all that to say is 2023 for me, is gonna be a year of building and stabilizing. I would love to hear from you. As you've heard this podcast and listened, I hope your brain juices are going and that you're gonna have some time to reflect and think. Or maybe you're gonna hear the podcast episode again as you're, um, with your journal later or something like that.
But email me, let me know what are your y your ideas for this year? What are your words? What are your Bible verses, what are your songs? What is it that's gonna encapsulate 2020? and don't get stressed, don't get fixated. Just let it be what it is. It doesn't have to be that forever, and you can mold it and make it what it needs to be.
So I am looking forward to this year, and I hope that you are too. If you would like to get more involved in the Wise Practice community, I would love to have you because I, I think that connecting with other faith-based practice owners will, will really help. I've actually had a few conversations this week about, or last week about, uh, The difference between working in your practice and on your practice, and if you are gonna own a business, you cannot always be in your practice.
You will not grow, you will not move forward. You will be constantly stuck in, in what you're doing. So I encourage you, make time to work on the business. Okay. The business side of things and as you grow you need to make even more time to work on the business cuz there's more to take care of. And so the wise Practice membership community is a way for you.
To take time to learn more about starting, growing, scaling your faith-based practice. And we meet weekly to be able to work on those things as well as tons of other stuff. There's resources, paperwork, that you can download and use for your practice. You get into a small group. Um, there's a place for conversations for questions and discount codes on services that will help you delegate and grow your.
So if you're looking to maybe join the membership community, shoot me an email, let me know. I do open the door certain times a year, but would love to hear from you and I can get you on that list and get you involved as soon as possible. Listening to the podcast, another great way to be involved in the Wise Practice community.
I also host a free Facebook group. If you go to my website, you can, um, hit a link and get into that group immediately. Um, and my website is whitney owens.com. And then there's other things for getting in person. The retreat, the summit, other great, um, offerings going on. Would love to connect with you more this year.
Help you grow your business and help you make 2023. The best so far. Thank you for being with me and listening to this podcast, and I look forward to hearing about your goal setting in 2023.
Show Notes by James Marland