WP 58 | To Scale or Not to Scale
To Scale or Not to Scale: Finding Balance in Building a Thriving Private Practice
The Temptation to Scale:
In today's society, scaling is often seen as the ultimate measure of success. We are encouraged to constantly grow, expand, and do more. However, when it comes to private practice, scaling should not be seen as a one-size-fits-all solution. It is important to evaluate whether scaling is truly necessary and aligns with your goals and values.
Understanding Scale:
Before diving into the decision-making process, let's define what we mean by "scaling" in the context of private practice. Scaling involves growing your practice in terms of client volume, staffing, and revenue, usually accompanied by increased operational complexity. While it can offer benefits such as enhanced financial stability and the ability to serve a larger population, scaling also comes with its own set of challenges.
The Pitfalls of Blind Scaling:
Blindly pursuing scalability without considering the underlying motivations and potential consequences can lead to several pitfalls. One common pitfall is losing sight of the true purpose of your practice. Focusing solely on growth can cause you to neglect the quality of care you provide and the relationships you build with your clients. It is crucial to ensure that scaling aligns with your values and allows you to continue delivering excellent care.
Taking a Step Back: Self-Reflection and Evaluation:
Before making any decisions about scaling, taking a step back to evaluate your current situation is essential. Start by reflecting on your motivations for growth. Are you scaling because it truly aligns with your goals, or are you allowing external pressures to drive your decisions? Identifying the driving forces behind your desire to scale will help you make more informed choices.
Next, assess the feasibility of scaling in your specific context. Consider factors such as market demand, competition, financial resources, and the availability of qualified staff. It is crucial to have a realistic understanding of the potential challenges and risks associated with scaling.
Finding Your Scale:
Scaling does not always have to mean significant growth. Sometimes, focusing on a smaller scale can have a more profound impact. It is essential to identify the level of growth that aligns with your goals and allows you to continue providing exceptional care to your clients. This might involve optimizing your current operations, improving systems and processes, or expanding strategically in specific areas.
Building a Sustainable Practice:
Rather than solely focusing on scaling, investing time in building a sustainable practice is equally important. This includes nurturing your professional development, fostering strong client relationships, and ensuring excellent quality of care. By prioritizing these aspects, you can create a solid foundation for long-term success.
Deciding whether to scale your private practice is a deeply personal and contextual choice. While scaling can offer numerous benefits, it is crucial to weigh your motivations, goals, and the potential consequences. Remember that growth should never come at the expense of the quality of care you provide. Instead, focus on finding a balance that allows you to build a thriving practice while staying true to your values and purpose. At Alma, we are here to support you on your journey and provide the tools and resources needed to help you succeed.
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Alma - Your private practice support system. Building a private practice can be a challenging endeavor. From attracting your target clients to managing the business side of things, clinicians often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities. At Alma, we understand the unique challenges faced by private practice owners, which is why we provide the tools and support needed to build a thriving practice.
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WP 58 | To Scale or Not to Scale
[00:00:00] Whitney Owens: building a private practice can be challenging, trying to grow your caseload, attracting your niche client, managing the business side of it all, navigating insurance. And managing paperwork and billing, these all can take a significant amount of time. That's in addition to delivering great quality care.
[00:00:22] Whitney Owens: That's why Alma gives clinicians the tools they need to build a thriving private practice. When you join their insurance program, you get credentialed within 45 days and access to enhanced reimbursement rates with major payers. They handle all the paperwork from eligibility checks to claim submissions and guarantee payment within two weeks of each appointment.
[00:00:42] Whitney Owens: addition to their insurance program, Alma offers time saving tools and administrative support so you can spend less time on paperwork and more time delivering the great care to your clients. To learn more about building a thriving private pay practice with Alma, head to helloalma. com slash wise practice.
[00:01:02] Whitney Owens: That's hello. A L M a. com slash wise practice.
[00:01:27] Whitney Owens: Hello, friends, and thank you for hanging out with me on the wise practice podcast. It is the month of December. We finally made it here to the end of the year. It's thinking I feel honestly a little bit like I'm coasting in at the end because it has been a big year, a heavy year and a year of a lot of learning.
[00:01:47] Whitney Owens: I love the month of December though, because this is a time where we can slow down a little bit. At least my practice slows down, take a little bit of a breather and really look at how the year has been. I love that contemplative time of re evaluating things, not only logistically, but also personally, emotionally, spiritually.
[00:02:05] Whitney Owens: Looking at things in my family, goals we've met, things that we enjoyed, trips that we went on, and then looking at. The next year and thinking about where I want to go. We know that we learned so much from looking at the past and that helps dictate our next steps. And so over the next few weeks here in the month of December, I'm going to do a series here on the podcast on things that I learned in 2023.
[00:02:30] Whitney Owens: So, I kind of say that in a funny way, I almost literally said sermon series here because I feel like my podcast is a little bit like preaching in a way. Like, obviously, it's different when I interview people, but when I do my solo shows, it kind of feels like I prepped a sermon and preached it to you. Um, and I don't know, I guess that's not such a bad thing.
[00:02:49] Whitney Owens: Um, but to tell you the honest truth, I usually tell you things on the podcast that I've been learning in my own life. Oh, boy, I, I read the other day, Henry now, and I've been reading some of his books. He is so phenomenal. And one of the things that came up was everything that's personal is universal. And I was like, wow, that is spot on because it's almost like, I just feel it in my gut.
[00:03:13] Whitney Owens: Like God starts teaching me something and I just. I feel empowered to share that with you. I also get feedback from you guys where you speak into my life like, wow, that's the same thing I'm going through, right? There's something in the like collective unconscious or in the world around us, something God's doing, and it impacts a lot of us at one time.
[00:03:33] Whitney Owens: And so some of the things I'm going to talk through over the next few weeks are going to be truths that you likely have already learned, or maybe are going through, or maybe God wants to teach you. And I want you to know that I am in no way ahead of the game. Like I am learning these things as well, but I wanted to take these few weeks to highlight the things that I learned in 2023, the things I'm continuing to learn and to speak those into your life.
[00:04:00] Whitney Owens: So before we jump into the details of this episode, I want to let you know that I am looking at running some mastermind groups in 2024 as. I've been thinking about kind of my business plan and my structure and just really looking at my time and the things that I've really enjoyed. I have found that mastermind groups are some of my favorite parts of the consulting business.
[00:04:20] Whitney Owens: And so I want to encourage you too, that if there are things in your business that you enjoy, really spend the time investing in those things. And that's why I'm going to launch mastermind groups simply because I think they're fun. And I love seeing. These practice owners connect with one another grow together and make changes in their business.
[00:04:38] Whitney Owens: In fact, I have known so many people who've been in these mastermind groups, make some of their closest friends in the business world through these groups. I made one of my closest friends through a mastermind group that I did, I don't know, five years ago, and we're still good friends. So to tell you a little bit about mastermind groups.
[00:04:56] Whitney Owens: They are groups of like minded clinicians that are going to come together usually in a similar phase of practice to work on things within their business. So I'm looking at running a group for large group practice owners. So these would be probably people with seven or more therapists in their practice.
[00:05:11] Whitney Owens: So we'll come together every other week for. May 6, 9 months, I'm still working those details out, but we will come together and work on our business. So we do things like scaling or looking at our finances, talk about hiring, talk about firing and work through leadership skills within your business. Those are just some of the topics we're going to cover.
[00:05:31] Whitney Owens: Um, I'm also looking at another group that would be for smaller group practices. So, by 10 to 5 therapists, um, and that would also be every other week. And we would work on some similar, um, themes as, as I would the large group practices. It's just you're at a little bit of a different phase of working on different systems and processes.
[00:05:49] Whitney Owens: So, if you are interested in being a part of 1 of those groups head to my website. Um. You'll see there under services, some information about mastermind groups. If you were wanting to join, or you could just shoot me an email, Whitney at whitneyowens. com looking to launch these in January and go for either 6 to 9 months during the year.
[00:06:08] Whitney Owens: So I'm excited about those. I wanted to just give you the plug for that, but let's get into the first lesson that I want to talk about here in 2023. To scale or not to scale. That word scale, boy, it is so used, right? And in fact, I think that that's kind of part of my tagline. I help therapists start grow and scale their private practice.
[00:06:33] Whitney Owens: That sounds good, right? Scaling. I mean, what does that actually mean? It kind of means going up in what you're doing, kind of growing something, I guess you'd say, but doing it in such a way that you're not working as hard or as often that you're learning how to delegate, you're learning how to build a team.
[00:06:51] Whitney Owens: This is a good thing, right? You are employing people that need jobs. You're doing better work in the world. You're investing yourself in other people. This is a good thing, right? It's also something. That can become a bad thing, right? Sometimes if we're so focused on scaling and business, we can miss sight of it all.
[00:07:15] Whitney Owens: And that is what I've been thinking about lately. A lot of times we get fixated on numbers and growth, and it can be numbers like how many therapists are at your practice or how much money do you make in your business? And we really miss sight of what we're actually doing. And I think it's important that we kind of take that step back and we evaluate.
[00:07:36] Whitney Owens: Where we want to go and not just going somewhere because we feel like the world is telling us we have to go somewhere. Right? So for example, you might have coaches out there saying you need to scale your practice. You need to grow. You have this great opportunity and sure those might be the case. You might have this great opportunity.
[00:07:53] Whitney Owens: Does that mean that's what you need to do? No, no. Now you're going to hear everybody talk about it. Then you're going to start to think that you need to do it and then you're uncertain about it. Right? Right? Right. So I wanted to kind of look at some scripture here when it comes to scaling, believe it or not, there is some scripture that I found and really talk about how that can relate to us in our business.
[00:08:20] Whitney Owens: And what I want you to walk away from on this podcast is thinking to yourself, am I scaling the way that I want to scale? Do I actually need to be scaling right now? Where are the things that I. Enjoying that I love and that I feel called by God to do what are those things and how can I spend more of my time and energy on those?
[00:08:41] Whitney Owens: Right? So a quick example here might be. We can get maybe you're hosting a retreat or some kind of event, or you're trying to fill up your practice, right? You need a certain caseload. And you're so fixated on this number that you're trying to get to that you miss site on the actual clients. You miss site on the people that are coming to the retreat, the people that are reading your blog or looking at your books, right?
[00:09:10] Whitney Owens: And you miss an opportunity to invest in their lives because you're so focused on the growth. Now why are we so focused on these numbers? Most of us don't want to admit while we're focused on the numbers, right? We want to run away from it. I truly want to run away from it. One thing I was reading about in this now in book was about why do I feel this compulsion to work all the time?
[00:09:37] Whitney Owens: Yes, I just use the word compulsion and I thought that was the perfect word. In fact, I had actually used that word in a conversation with my husband the day before I read it in the book. And I was like, Oh my, like that felt like that was God, like really giving me something because sometimes. It can feel like a compulsion just the way people compulsively pick up their phones.
[00:09:58] Whitney Owens: They might be doing something else, not work related, but it's a compulsion, right? Or we see something sitting out and we want to eat it. It's a compulsion to go there and eat that popcorn that's sitting out on the counter. I feel a compulsion sometimes to work to the point that I sometimes don't know how to relax.
[00:10:16] Whitney Owens: Are you with me? Why do I feel that way? What is it about work? That's feeding something deep within me that void, right? So a lot of times. We're thinking about scaling because we want to be successful. We want to be seen as successful, or maybe we're working all the time because we're trying to drown out other things in our lives that we need to be paying attention to.
[00:10:42] Whitney Owens: We're afraid that our business isn't going to go where we want it to go. We're afraid that we're not going to make the money that we need to make for our families. We're afraid of working all the time, even though that the, that's the exact same thing that we're doing. So it's important that you're stopping and asking yourself.
[00:11:00] Whitney Owens: Why do I feel compelled to scale? Why do I feel compelled to work all the time? And what is it that I want here? Another reason that I am talking about this. Is I felt so uncertain about my business a few weeks ago and really overwhelmed and not, not really knowing what way to go. And so I reached out to my mastermind group at the time and said, Hey guys, like I need someone to jump on a call with me and talk through this because I just need to like process this.
[00:11:31] Whitney Owens: And that's one of the great things about having a mastermind group is you've got people easily available that you can reach out to and friends and. It's really great to have friends that are consultants. So my friend got on a call with me and really talked through some things. And in the end was like, Whitney, why do you feel so compelled to work so much?
[00:11:50] Whitney Owens: It's like, you don't know how to stop. Boy, I'm really confessing here on the podcast, aren't I? Um, so I was like, yeah, that is what it's like. And so that got me really thinking about that idea. I mean, I think for me personally, it's me not wanting to deal with other things, like other insecurities. And so if I work, I can feel good about myself because I feel good about my work and I can ignore some of those things.
[00:12:14] Whitney Owens: Now, that's not the case for everyone. Obviously, everyone has their own. Whatever they bring to the table, that's making it difficult for them. So it could be the, you have financial insecurity. It could be, you struggle to trust God that you, um, aren't happy in one area of your life. So you invest in your work to make you more happy in that area of your life.
[00:12:32] Whitney Owens: There's so many things that could be going on, but when you feel that need to grow. I want you to stop and think about it. We live in a world that is encouraging us all the time to go the extra mile to always do more, but I want you to know, and you've probably heard this, but we need to keep hearing it that doing more doesn't always involve the actual doing of more.
[00:12:59] Whitney Owens: Sometimes it's slowing down. Being more intentional, being more thoughtful, this is something that I'm also working on, not just doing something because it comes across my plate, really thinking about, is this what I need to be doing? Is this what I want to be doing? And when can I really carve out the right amount of time to do this?
[00:13:16] Whitney Owens: Well, instead of just rushing through things. So we want to think about why are we looking at growth the way we are. Because we are in a culture that increases, wants us to do growth. I heard on a podcast just the other day, he called it a growthism. It's like this microcosm inside of us. That's constantly saying grow, grow, grow, do, do, do right.
[00:13:44] Whitney Owens: And that's not necessarily where we need to be. Or what we need to be doing now, this isn't to say there are not going to be seasons that you really feel called to do greater, right? That you feel called to really hustle. I think about when I started my group practice, that was the season of hustling.
[00:14:02] Whitney Owens: Okay, to get something done, I felt that way before the summit a few months ago, because it was something that I knew that I was supposed to do and I had to hustle hard along with others on the team to get it done. And it was an amazing thing. But there's also seasons that we need to sit back and ask ourselves, why do we want to grow?
[00:14:21] Whitney Owens: What is that about? And where is God working in me and in the world around me? So I want to reference second Samuel chapter seven. And this is where David goes to God and says, Hey, I want to build a house for you. You have not had a house and I have this amazing place to live and I want to build this for you.
[00:14:50] Whitney Owens: Now, if you're familiar with the passage, you know, the response that comes is that God says, no, no, no, David, I want to build a house for you. Right? Like, it's interesting. I mean, I like the character of David that he wants to do something for God, but at the same time, who are we to even think we can do something for God?
[00:15:09] Whitney Owens: Right? I mean, this is God we're talking about. So it's God that builds the home, the house. The structure of your business, your family, your friends, your church, God builds these things and he builds them for you. Yet how quickly can we take back the hammer and say, no, no, no, I'm going to build this. Right. I think also about Proverbs 16, I believe, where it says that the, the man, I'm going to quote this incorrectly, but basically man determines his plans, but the Lord directs his steps.
[00:15:43] Whitney Owens: So we, we say what we're going to do, but we don't really know. There's other passages about that somewhere in the new Testament where a man plans out where he's going to go shopping and what he's going to do, but man's not even guaranteed tomorrow. So, we have this compulsion to grow things and to do things when really we have no guarantee of where it's going to go or what we're doing.
[00:16:05] Whitney Owens: And how often do we actually ask God, what does God want to build? What kind of business does God want to build? What kind of life does he want me to have and what does he want to build within me? I do look at times in my life where I knew so clearly. That God said, I'm going to build this, right? I mean, my, my practice has been definitely that when I started as a solo practice owner, I net did not know what I was doing.
[00:16:31] Whitney Owens: I did the best I could. I actually didn't even want to do private practice. I was trying to find a job somewhere else and couldn't find a job. I think that was God's way of saying, I'm going to build this Whitney. So you better get over yourself. And I learned how to trust God through that process, or at least as much as I possibly could.
[00:16:48] Whitney Owens: And then when I started my group practice, that was one of the biggest leaps of faith I ever took. I was so incredibly scared of people depending on me with the finances come in with the clients come in. Honestly, I was probably most worried about letting people down and not being a good boss. And over time, God grew me through that, but ultimately God grew this business.
[00:17:11] Whitney Owens: And I see that there are definitely times that I will have these ideas and these. Big things I want to do and I have to stop and say, no, no, no. God wants to build this. I especially remember that when it came to wanting to get new office space, that I would run around and try to find space. And I knew in my heart that God was like, no, no, no, slow down.
[00:17:34] Whitney Owens: I'm going to create the space for you. And it was always seemed like the last minute, uh, God would open up new space that we needed for our growth. And I could always see his hand in that. And so scaling and growth, like I said, it's not that it's a bad thing. It's when we do it in our own power and our own strength, when we do it, because we want to be seen as successful or worthy, like, oh, I have this great group practice, right?
[00:17:59] Whitney Owens: Just this idea that we walk up to each other and, oh, I'm even thinking about how people love to show off the million dollar practice. Well, I'm a million dollar practice. I'm a 3 million practice. Does it really matter? Because if you aren't enjoying your work, if you aren't following God in your work, if you're not finding his joy and compassion in what you do.
[00:18:22] Whitney Owens: Right. Also, if you're not managing your money, well, it doesn't matter if you're a million dollar practice, a million dollar practice can still be in debt. So, but all that to say is we're so focused on these externals of what it makes us look like. We've lost sight of letting God build what he's going to build.
[00:18:39] Whitney Owens: Right. I think about Jesus talks about the sermon on the Mount, the poor in spirit, being humble, not making it about us. And we need to. Slow down maybe these few weeks during the holidays and think about what does it look like to follow God in my business? What are the ways he's actually calling me to maybe scale and grow?
[00:19:03] Whitney Owens: And what are the ways that I'm trying to scale that maybe isn't what God wants, right? And I think so much of this is about intentionality of our hearts. You know, David's intentionality here was good. He wanted to build something for God, but he was forgetting that he's not always The big one, like he's not all he, I mean, I guess he was the king, but he can't do everything and God does something greater.
[00:19:28] Whitney Owens: And so here God does say, I'm going to build that house, right? So another passage that I wanted to focus on today, that pretty convicting here, and it's a passage I'd heard a lot, but recently it really struck me as I thought about my business and the work I'm doing. So this is Psalm 127, unless the Lord builds the house.
[00:19:55] Whitney Owens: Those who build it labor in vain, unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stay awake in vain. It is in vain. You rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil for he gives his beloved sleep.
[00:20:20] Whitney Owens: We're going to unpack this for a minute with us. So it says, unless the Lord builds, we labor in vain, in vain. We are laboring for ourselves. Yuck. Yuck. I don't think we realize it. We don't and I can get into this mindset to especially even thinking about social media. And I have to post I have to do these things to show.
[00:20:49] Whitney Owens: Off me, right? You have got to go back to the intentionality. Are you doing these things because you want to receive approval and you want to be seen? Or are you doing these things because you want to spread the gospel? You want to share God with others. You want to have others experience his love and compassion.
[00:21:09] Whitney Owens: So growing your business cannot be about yourself. It cannot be about your own vanity. Really? It's got to be about something more important than that. Right? So don't give into this culture. That's telling us that it has to grow and that we have to work hard all the time. I'm even reminded of going into all the nations, right?
[00:21:35] Whitney Owens: This passage in Matthew. Sure, we do need to go to the nations and share the gospel, right? Are we doing it in the right mindset? I think sometimes we can easily get this idea of going and going right. And, and it's almost this growth mindset even occurs within the Bible, even occurs in church instead of reliance on God.
[00:22:03] Whitney Owens: I was speaking to someone recently about, um, church growth. Actually, I've also been thinking about this topic because. I may have mentioned on the podcast already. I'm not sure, but my husband just got a new job as a senior pastor in a tiny church in a little town called Rinkin, Georgia. Yes, you heard me.
[00:22:22] Whitney Owens: Rinkin it's a really funny thing to say. What's even funnier is that it's an Effingham County boy. The first time someone told me the Effingham, I about fell over. Yes. Effingham County E F F I N G H M. So Rinkin and Effingham County is where my husband is now the pastor and it is. It's a small church and it is in South Georgia.
[00:22:44] Whitney Owens: Okay. We're grateful that we love it. Sweetest people ever. So I've been thinking about scaling too, because I think about that church and how little it is. And it's actually gone through lots of periods of growth. There was a time there were 350 people on a Sunday morning. I won't go into all those things today, but it's just been making me think about church growth and what is that?
[00:23:04] Whitney Owens: Look like, and how do we get there so I was talking to someone else who had been a part of a small church kind of similar to this 1 and they grew fairly quickly. And she was talking about how amazing it was at the beginning because growth was so organic. It was people just going into the community at their jobs and doing good work and then people would see those people doing good work and say, well, where do you go to church?
[00:23:27] Whitney Owens: And then they tell them and then they would go to church there. And so someone was sharing at that church 1 time, how they were walking around town, seeing all these good people. And every single time they'd say, well, where do you go to church? They'd all say the same thing. And he was like, well, I guess I need go there.
[00:23:40] Whitney Owens: So the church grew organically. And of course, then it gets bigger and then it starts focusing on money and starts focusing on staff and it starts focusing on how many people are here on a Sunday morning. And then it becomes something different, becomes something different. We can easily leave the very reason why we started this work because we focus on all the wrong things.
[00:24:06] Whitney Owens: Our growth, our scaling, our money, but we labor in vain because God has to build the house and not us. So it's not always about scaling, right? So if we move on in the passage here, it says the Lord watches over the city unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stay awake in vain. So constantly working, right?
[00:24:35] Whitney Owens: Even in the night it is in vain. You rise up early and go late to rest eating the bread of anxious toil. This one really got me because lately. I'm going to confess again, I've been getting up early and working. In fact, I have been known to wake up even as early as five o'clock and be working. Maybe some of you are like, Hey, that's me.
[00:24:57] Whitney Owens: Okay. Now is working early in the morning a bad thing? No. It's when I can think my clearest, it's when the kids are still sleeping, but am I doing it out of my anxiety? Am I doing it out of my need to do more, to be more, to be seen for more? Or am I doing it because I truly enjoy it and by doing it because I feel like God's presence is with me when I'm in that work, I'm not doing it out of anxious ambition, but I'm doing it out of my desire to serve.
[00:25:31] Whitney Owens: So, this particular verse kind of hit home for me to rethink what I'm doing when I do get up early and making more efforts to have quiet time. And have times of prayer and have times of meditation and focusing on God before I work instead of working as soon as I wake up in the morning. This idea of anxious labor and laboring in vain.
[00:25:55] Whitney Owens: Just I found it so sickening, but it's the very thing that we all do. Right. So we wanna stop and pay attention to that, and I love how it ends here. He gives his beloved sleep, he gives us sleep. God will give us the rest that we need. Sometimes I feel like I can't find rest, and that could be that I'm working.
[00:26:19] Whitney Owens: It could be my kids need me. It could just be mental unrest with client needs. But it clearly says that the Lord gives sleep to his beloved so we can rest assured. That whatever it is that we're doing when we're doing it for the Lord, and we're doing it because he's directing us into it as stressful and difficult as the work he gives you might be, he will give you sleep and rest and we can know this and step into it.
[00:26:47] Whitney Owens: So, if we aren't finding that place, if we're not finding that rest, it's a time to evaluate and pay attention. What is it that God wants to do within me? What does he want to work within me so I can become more like him? That's 1 thing that I love about my business is I feel like he uses it to make me closer to him to make me more like him.
[00:27:13] Whitney Owens: And that's what I really love about it is I grow in my faith. Now, do I make mistakes? 100 percent and do I miss the mark in my business? 100 percent but thankfully, God brings me back to these moments as we are in right now where we can. Slow down, pay attention and scale the way maybe he wants us to scale.
[00:27:38] Whitney Owens: And so for me, as I look into next year, what I want to work on is not focusing on the numbers, the email list, the podcast listens. The client load, the therapist numbers, the financial numbers, but focus on doing what I really enjoy with one person, with two people, with a small group, that work and that depth is equally as important, right?
[00:28:04] Whitney Owens: God will give us everything we need financially, energy, sleep, we have to trust him for those things. So when you find that anxiousness coming up within you, you might be laboring in vain. Pay attention to where that's coming from. God is gracious. And we'll help you find that place and don't worry, I am on this journey with you as we do this work together.
[00:28:27] Whitney Owens: So I hope that over the next few weeks, you'll have time to think about scaling, think about your practice and think about where God wants you to go. Take the time to enjoy those moments of prayer and rest and refocus. And I'm looking forward to another good year with you and being here with you on the podcast.
[00:28:46] Whitney Owens: Thank you so much for listening.
Podcast Production and Show Notes by Course Creation Studio.